E-Marketing: Measurement

As I mentioned in my previous post I like E-Mail Marketing so much because you can see the results almost immediately. You can do this with the e-marketing system you are using as most will have a tracking code built into each mail.

As soon as the email is sent to your list of contacts you can see immediate results for opening rates and click throughs.

I generally give each email about 48 hours before putting adding this data into a report as the opening rate can increase over time, however it usually decreases drastically after the first 12 hours or so. Usually after 12 hours anyone who is going to will have opened it; for example people who don’t have access to their personal email at work.

Campaign monitor allows me to track the opening rates in numbers and percentage, the click through rates, the specific links the customer clicked on and any unsubscribes from this campaign.

I can also complete A/B testing of email subject lines on some of my contact list to see which performs best. I can then send the better subject line to the remainder of the list.

Data from the email campaigns can help you adjust your campaigns in the future to create better performing emails. Click through and opening rates and newsletter sign ups can all also be used as a Key Performance Indicator within a campaign.